Bee vs mosquito
Both a bee and a mosquito can hurt you, but you fear the bee much more. Why? The bee’s not afraid to die.
If a bee wants to sting you, they likely will because they don’t care how hard you swat at them, all they care about is stinging you. When a mosquito comes at you, they’re cautious. They want your blood, but they also want to stay alive. That’s what often makes them unsuccessful - either you scare them away or they get slapped.
Almost everyone you meet in life is a mosquito. They kinda want a better life, but are easily pulled back when faced with the inevitable hardships on the way there. When you see a bee, you’ll know. They are ruthless. They put 100% of their life force towards one thing, and it becomes obvious to any observer that this person is ultimately going to get what they want. These people legitimately change your life because until then, you hadn’t a clue that a person could want something this bad. How aimless have you been in comparison!
Just how badly do you pursue your deepest desires - like a mosquito, or like a bee?